It is important to be concerned and aware of the events Japan and Libya (do not forget what is occurring in North Africa just because a new tragedy has appeared) because even if you do not follow the global community ideals, these situations impact your small town greatly. Anything connected to their economy will rise in price…GAS AGAIN…plus our west coast has already experienced harsher waves from the shaking earth near Japan. Japan was the most prepared for this situation and we can all see how awful things turned out, just imagine what would happen in the Seattle area.
Anyway, besides getting wrapped up in reasons why we should be interested…we must understand how businesses exploit the pain of people over there as well. Do you think the father crying over his daughter’s body was asked if his picture could be taken? Did the photographer attempt to console him or simply snap a photo and carry on to the next deadline? The media tries to show the most extreme stories to attract more readers/viewers just as businesses claim to donate 100% of sales to aid Japan. Who is holding them accountable to this? Are they simply clearing out new stock and gaining a “good citizen” status for the year?
Then you have to think of why you are REALLY interested. Is it because of the economic effects, geological effects, humanitarian aid, or personal involvement? Are you pained by the thought of another human suffering no matter who they are or where they are? I cannot help but share their pain in some way because I believe we are all connected as humans and should step up to aid no matter who it is for. This is an individual choice though and cannot be forced on others. If I was not tied up in a busy life in Portland, OR or had the money/chance to go personally aid Libya or Japan…I really would try because I believe that is the only way to really help any tragic situation. We cannot console each person who has lost a loved one by simply sending a check or sharing their story…Although, sharing their story may provide insight for the kind of aid required and sending a check may pay for some of the material damage. But the emotional damage will remain for years after American media has shot its last “prize winning photo” and beyond the last click for anyone trying to rant on facebook.
There are countries still suffering from pain of colonization hundreds of years ago that NGOs provide support for in the best way they can. There are people in this country still suffering from losing family members, curling up under bridges for shelter, or stealing water from a public pipe on the highway because that is all they know for survival. These people need NGOs as well. They need to feel the warmth of a global community surrounding them. Rants, posters, checks, news alerts, and business donations for sale days will not aid these people. They require a person showing up and asking what is needed for them to live another day with a little less pain then they had today. This can only happen when people step away from their own assumptions about how to help and TAKE ACTION!!! Nobody can begin to understand the pain of another unless they join them in support while trying to repair it.