29 July 2009

observing the regular crowds underground (original 20 April)

Thugs pulling chocolate bars from behind their belts
Trading amateur porn
Huddled in the back of a rickety metro
Wrapped in flesh colored corduroy years below her
Sneakers laced up tight
Not-so-crafty hustler tripped on the escalator
Camouflaged against the soviet inspired cement
Ticket control hunts
Catching nearly innocent tourists in cold solid lines
Blazers rush toward the approaching train
Clutching briefcases close
Barely evading slippery fingers on the side
Four minutes of silence underground
Find your spot
Careful not to make eye contact with other lonely souls
Lights appear with a rush of cold air
Just in time
Drunkards can part ways before exchanging numbers
Crowds jam the stairs searching for smokes
Nicotine levels decreasing
Tensions rise as tourists block half a step
Heels reach ancient Czech cobblestones
Stumble slowly onward
Weaving under stars brighter than any child’s eyes